First Time Buyer Non-Standard Income

Despite one client transitioning to a non-earning research position, we successfully secured a mortgage for their first home by leveraging their future earning potential, demonstrating the value of a whole-of-market broker in navigating non-standard income situations.

2/23/20241 min read

a person holding a house shaped like a house
a person holding a house shaped like a house

The Client

The clients were a couple looking to purchase their first home but one client was leaving their job to further their career prospects by taking a research position to further qualify and increase their earning potential. This would mean that they would no longer have an earned income and they would not be able to afford a property in their area with just the income of the remaining employed client. The client was due to receive a non-taxable stipend to support their studies but had been turned away by banks saying they could not accept the income.

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The Resolution

We managed to secure the clients a mortgage with a High Street Bank on a low, fixed 5 year interest rate. The bank were happy to accept this income and take the rationale in cases of this nature that the clients job prospects and future earnings will improve after completing their studies and will be able to secure a higher future income in a professional field, reducing the risk to the lender.

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The client had thought that they would have to rent for the 3 year duration of their PHD but are now settling in to their new family home. This demonstrates the power and reach of using a whole-of-market broker which has the extensive knowledge and experience to reach out to lenders who are willing to work with clients with non-standard incomes and arrangements.

If you have any questions relating to Residential Mortgage, contact us today to speak directly with one of our CeMAP certified Mortgage Advisors. Call us today on 0113 8730 740. Alternatively, please complete this short online form and one of our Advisors will call you right back.